Evai Newsletter June 2021

After a raft of euphoria in the crypto market, the inevitable happened in June – the great meme coin debacle ran out of fuel on the way to the moon, with many plummeting back to zero at speed. China decided to go after miners, causing what history will undoubtedly look back on as the most significant crypto miner exodus to date. At the same time, many investors saw their investments reduced in the midst of a sustained market downturn. The beginning of the bear market or a momentary dip on

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Evai Newsletter May 2021

After a In a month that saw Elon continuing to stake his claim as the Bond villain of crypto and a wildly erratic market that bounced around like a bull on a bungee cord, meme coins that fired skyward promising the moon and banks trying to work out whether crypto is all over or about to come after their business, we set about unleashing Evai on the world. Welcome to EvaiNews, a monthly round-up of what Evai has been up to, the results realised and projects planned. Download full newsletter

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